Hi, I’m Splice

Meet Splice, a beautiful yellow/green Indian Ringneck with stunning Cinnamon green coloring! This charming parrot is beginning to show his personality and potential as a companion. In the mornings, he cautiously takes sunflower seed treats from your hand through the cage bars, and by afternoon, he approaches the bars willingly when you walk by. Splice is easily lured in and out of his cage with seeds, but he may lunge and attempt to bite when offered a 'step up' opportunity. He often solicits human attention with appeasement vocalizations. With patience and dedication to target/clicker training, Splice can become a wonderful companion. He is not ideal for households with children.

If you're interested in Splice, please fill out an adoption application today, don't forget to include a photograph of your bird enclosure. https://www.rspcaqld.org.au/expression-of-interest-to-adopt

Adoption Price $100.

Want to adopt Splice?
Express your interest by completing the form and start your Adoption Journey

Note: If an animal is located at Petbarn, RSPCA World For Pets or RSPCA Op Shops, you can visit the store direct.

Please note:

  • A property check may be required before ADOPTION to ensure the safety and welfare of adoption animals. Rental agreements allowing pets will be required for adoptions into rental properties. Differential pricing may apply.
  • The website is live and updates frequently, there is a chance that by the time you have completed the Apply to Adopt form the animal you have an interest in might have been adopted by another party.
  • While our shelters are open, not every pet available for adoption will be onsite and available in person. To express your interest, Apply to Adopt online and if it's a perfect match you will be shortlisted and contacted via phone by our Adoption Team to discuss the animal in detail.