
6 tips to prepare your pet for Million Paws Walk

Dogs Million Paws Walk Pet Care Posted May 22, 2024
Are you ready for the 30th exciting instalment of our famous fundraiser?

With RSPCA's Million Paws Walk fast approaching, we are thrilled to share 6 tips on how you can best prepare your pooch for the big day.

Tip 1: Friendship forever

If you are planning on pounding the pavement with your best mate, it is important to make sure your pooch is social with other dogs and calm in unfamiliar places with different people. Should your dog be timid or shy, it might be best to skip the event. Never fear, there is still an opportunity for you and your companion to help other less fortunate pets by fundraising for RSPCA! Additionally, you do not need to bring a dog to attend the walk, just come along and get involved in the day. Why not ‘dog watch’ rather than people watch? You might find it more interesting.

You must always have your dog on a lead when you attend your local RSPCA Million Paws Walk, keeping an eye on your pooch while they interact with other dogs. If your dog becomes uncomfortable at any time throughout the day, take them to a quiet, shady spot for some time out from the festivities.

Do not forget, always ask other humans if you can pet their dog first before approaching. It is important to remember that dogs have personal space too.

Tip 2: Health checkup!

Are your doggo’s vaccinations up to date? Only fully vaccinated dogs can attend RSPCA Million Paws Walk. This is to ensure all pets attending are happy and healthy on the day.

Did you know that a Brachycephalic dog breed (Pug, British Bulldog or French Bulldog) is more susceptible to heat stress than other dogs due to their short muzzles? If you own this breed of dog, please ensure they are kept cool, well hydrated and taken on a short leisurely stroll of RSPCA Million Paws Walk. There is an option to select a shorter walking distance if needed for the less active, senior, and flat-faced dog breeds.

A senior pooch that is not as mobile as they used to be may just enjoy the day at home instead. They can catch up on all the furry friend gossip from the news coverage on Sunday night anyway. Several owners with smaller dogs and senior pets elect to enjoy Million Paws Walk by utilising pet strollers, the perfect way to roll and still enjoy the day out.

Tip 3: Pack the Essentials

With only a few days to go, there are a couple of helpful tips for travelling with your pet on the day.

Ensure you have the following items for your pooch:

  • Towels and comfortable bedding for the drive
  • Water bowl and water
  • Poop bags
  • Favourite treats or toys
  • Lead and harness
  • Do not forget your Million Paws Walk merchandise!

Tip 4: Become a superhero fundraiser

There is no better feeling than inspiring the people in your life AND kickstarting your Million Paws Walk fundraising at the same time. A self-donation not only demonstrates your commitment to your fundraising efforts but helps set a benchmark amount for others to donate. Not to mention you will unlock a super cool badge once you make a self-donation.

Tip 5: Travel Safe

It is important to remember that it is illegal to drive in a car with your dog in the front seat or on your lap! Ensure they are secure in the back of your car or appropriately tethered in your ute. For additional info about appropriate ute travel with your pet, click here.

Be sure to NEVER leave your pet unattended in your car or on the back of a ute. It is now a legal requirement for all dogs to be appropriately secured on the backs of utilities and in trailers. Dogs inside vehicles are also required to have no more than their head protruding from windows.

Want an extra tip to use when driving with your pooch in the car? Put the door and window locks on, if you have that option, so they cannot open them accidentally.

You can check out a range of travel aids for your pooch like seatbelt clips at our RSPCA World for Pets stores and online.

Tip 6: Spread the word

You have a special opportunity when it comes to amassing support and donations from your friends and family during Million Paws Walk. Take the opportunity to spread the word that you are a superhero for dogs in need this May on Facebook. View our social media templates and some other helpful items!

Jacobbe McBride
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